GGOS IberAtlantic: Structure

GGOS IberAtlantic was created through collaborations between Spain and Portugal, particularly via the RAEGE project, which aims to strengthen geodetic infrastructure in the IberAtlantic region and contribute to the Global Geodetic Observing System. RAEGE project involves establishing and maintaining four key geodetic observatories (GGOS core sites). The proposal for GGOS IberAtlantic grew from these efforts and gained approval from Spain’s Spanish Geodesy and Geophysics Commission and Portugal’s Direção-Geral do Território.

The group’s governance includes a 12-member board, with representatives from key technical areas such as GNSS, VLBI, SLR, and Gravimetry.

While initially focused on Spain and Portugal, GGOS IberAtlantic is open to participation from other countries in the region to further its mission.

Governing Board Members

Esther Azcue Infanzón

Esther Azcue Infanzón


Head of GNSS and VLBI analysis centres, National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN)

Luísa Magalhães

Luísa Magalhães


Member of the Azores Mission Structure for Space and
Chairman of the Board of Directors RAEGE Azores Association

João Agria Torres

João Agria Torres

GGOS IA GB member

President of the College of Geographical Engineering of the Order of Engineers

José Manuel Ferrandiz Leal

José Manuel Ferrandiz Leal

GGOS IA GB member

Emeritus Professor at the University of Alicante. President of IAU Commission A3 Fundamental Standards, Vicepresident of IAG Commission 3 Earth Rotation and Geodynamics, and Chair of the GGOS Science Panel

Paulo Manuel Patrício

Paulo Manuel Patrício

GGOS IA GB member

Director of Geodesy, Mapping and Geographic Information Services, Directorate-General for the Territory (DGT)

Antonio Pazos García

Antonio Pazos García

GGOS IA GB member

Captain, Director, Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy (ROA)

Thematic Area Representatives

Helena Ribeiro

Helena Ribeiro

GNSS representative

Directorate-General for the Territory (DGT), Portugal

Javier González García

Javier González García

VLBI representative

National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN)

Clara Lázaro

Clara Lázaro

Gravimetry representative

Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra

Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra

SLR representative

Head of San Fernando laser station, Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy (ROA)

Isabel Vigo

Isabel Vigo

Combination/multitechnique representative

University of Alicante

Mariana Moreira

Mariana Moreira

Outreach representative

R&D member of Santa Maria RAEGE Station, RAEGE Azores Association