GGOS IberAtlantic


The national geodetic authorities of both Spain and Portugal – the Instituto Geográfico Nacional and the National Section of Geodesy in Spain and the Direção Geral do Território in Portugal – signed letters of intent and defined terms of reference to initiate the operation of GGOS IberAtlantic.  In March 2024, GGOS received a formal request to create the GGOS subsidiary GGOS IberAtlantic and on 12 April 2024, the GGOS Governing Board unanimously approved GGOS IberAtlantic.

GGOS welcomes its Spanish and Portuguese colleagues: Esther Azcue Infanzón, Helena Cristina Ribeiro, Luisa Magalhaes, José Antonio López Fernández, Marcelino Valdés Pérez De Vargas, and Manuel Ángel Sánchez Piedra, and highly appreciate their contribution. GGOS IberAtlantic now joins the two existing GGOS Affiliates: GGOS Japan and GGOS D-A-CH.