The national geodetic commissions of Germany (DGK), Austria (ÖGK) and Switzerland (SGK), encompassing the D-A-CH region, are interested in joining their efforts in GGOS-related activities and in better exploiting the potential of GGOS in terms of science and infrastructure. For this purpose a preparatory working group was established and mandated which is composed of
- Hansjörg Kutterer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Johannes Böhm (TU Vienna, Vice-President ÖGK)
- Johannes Bouman (BKG), Prof. Roland Pail (TU Munich)
- Markus Rothacher (ETH Zürich, President SGK)
- Harald Schuh (GFZ Potsdam, President DGK)

Hansjörg Kutterer
Participating institutions in GGOS D-A-CH.
Many groups in the D-A-CH region are already strongly contributing to various components and activities of GGOS and to the IAG services in general. In order to institutionalize their activities and to tighten the links with GGOS as an organization, they decided to establish the GGOS D-A-CH committee and to apply for the status of a GGOS Affiliate. This application was approved by the GGOS Coordinating Board in May 2021. The next steps are a Call for Participation to involve all stakeholders in the D-A-CH region in terms of persons and institutions, the formulation of the Terms of Reference with a clear focus on strategic topics in GGOS-related science, and the establishment of regular meetings to stimulate and promote dedicated research projects.