BNOGGOS Bureau of

Networks and Observations


The role of the BNO is to:

  • Advocate for the expansion and upgrade of the space geodesy network for the maintenance and improvement of the reference frame and other GGOS priorities; Main focus will be on the Reference Frame; but the other applications need to be accommodated;
  • Encourage partnerships to build and upgrade network infrastructure
  • Organize and expand the GGOS affiliated network;
  • Monitor network status; projected network evolution based on input from current and expected future participants, estimate performance capability 5 and 10 years ahead;
  • Conduct simulation studies and analyses to assess impact on reference frame products of: network configuration, system performance, technique and technology mix, co-location conditions, site ties, and network trade of options (PLATO)
  • Develop Metadata Systems for a wide range of users including GGOS; near term strategy for data products (Carey Noll at GSFC) and a more comprehensive longer-term plan for an all-inclusive system (Nick Brown at GA) (Committee on Data and Information);
  • Provide the opportunity for representatives from the Services and the Standing Committees to meet and share progress and plans; discuss issues of common interest; meetings at EGU, AGU, GGOS Days, etc.;
  • Talks and posters on the Bureau at EGU, AGU, JPGU-AGU, AOGS meetings, etc.;
  • Letters/documentation to support stations, current/ new missions, and analysis centers;

Much of the work of the Bureau is done by the BNO Committees and the Working Group that have close synergy with the networks and observations.

Meetings and Publications

The GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations has traditionally held meeting for interested parties at AGU, EGU, GGOS days, etc. Reports are typically given as oral presentations or posters at EGU, AGU and other international meetings. The Services and committees issue publications and reports (See the individual contributions).