Calendar of Events

AGU Fall Meeting 2022 – GGOS Session
AGU Fall Meeting 2022 will be held in Chicago and online everywhere 12 – 16 December 2022. More than 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will convene to explore how Science Leads the Future.
Geodesy for Sustainable Earth Observation
GGOS has its own session “Geodesy for Sustainable Earth Observation”, please participate:
The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) provides measurements of the gravity, rotation, and shape of the Earth using space and terrestrial geodetic techniques. These measurements must be accurate to better than a part per billion in order to advance our understanding of the underlying processes responsible for temporal changes in the Earth’s rotation, gravity, and shape. Demanding applications of geodesy include mass transport in the global water cycle, sea level and climate change, and crustal deformation associated with geohazards. All these measurements require a common reference with the same precision, like the terrestrial reference frame and the unified height system. GGOS is designed to unite the individual observations and model into one consistent frame with the highest precision available. This session welcomes contributions on topics relevant to GGOS, particularly those related to its scientific and social aspects, geodetic infrastructure, observations/products, and activities of services.
For more information and the program of all geodesy sessions, please visit