Calendar of Events

GGOS Topical Meeting on the Atmosphere
GGOS serves as an integrating framework for all components of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), providing a clearinghouse for geodetic expertise and fostering interdisciplinary research. A current challenging topic is the modelling of spatio-temporal variations of the atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere/plasmasphere) and the magnetosphere using geodetic and geophysical observations. Several colleagues are making great progress in this field, and therefore, GGOS is convening this meeting to bring together all these colleagues to share common research points and to identify new topics for study. The scope of the meeting also includes the participation of colleagues from the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), with the main objective of establishing a multidisciplinary network of scientists to integrate geodetic and geophysical technologies for comprehensive monitoring of the atmosphere and categorise existing and potential new related applications that contribute to the dissemination and societal use of research results in this important field. Please click on the following link for more details about the meeting:
- Programme – Agenda [PDF]
- Abstract Booklet [PDF]
- Detailed Meeting Description [PDF]
- Meeting Report [PDF]
- List of Participants [PDF]
- Presentation Slides & Posters [Zenodo]
- Photos: Topical Meeting and Guided Tour at GFZ
Group photo of the GGOS Topical meeting participants (October 7, 2024)
Meeting Logistics
The meeting was held over three days (October 7-9), please see the agenda. In the two days following the GGOS Topical Meeting (October 10-11), the GGOS Days 2024 took take place at the same location – more information here.
Joint Dinner
A joint conference dinner was organized on Monday, 7 October starting at 18:30.
Guided Tour GFZ
Our host institute, the GFZ Potsdam, offered a guided tour at the Telegrafenberg on Wednesday, 9 October from 16:30-18:00.
Important Dates
- – July 15: Travel Award application deadline
- –
July 31August 15: Abstract submission deadline - – August
3126: Pre-registration deadline - –
August 15September 5: Abstract acceptance notification - –
August 31September 5: Schedule and conference program - – September 5: Confirmation of participants
- – September 18 – Dinner & Guided Tour Registration Deadline
- – October 6: Presentation Upload
- – October 7-9: GGOS Topical Meeting
- – October 10-11: GGOS Days 2024 (seperate registration necessary)
Participation and Pre-Registration
The meeting took place in-person only (online participation is not possible). Attendance is free (no registration fee), but pre-registration is required until August 26 to ensure room capacity.
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission ended on August 15!
Travel awards for early career scientists and colleagues from developing countries
Thanks to the support of IUGG, IAGA and IAG, we were able to provide some financial support to early career scientists and colleagues from developing countries to present their research at the meeting.
Meeting Support
This meeting is supported by
- – International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG),
- – International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA),
- – International Association of Geodesy (IAG),
- – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences,
- – Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM) der Technischen Universität München
- – Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying, Austria (BEV)
If you have any further questions or require more information, please contact the GGOS Coordinating Office: