JpGU – AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Makuhari, Japan Makuhari, Japan

JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2020 The physical conference was cancelled due to COVID-19!! Location: Makuhari, Japan Link: The physical conference (schduled for May 24-28, 2020) was cancelled due to COVID-19!! But in July an alternative virtual conference will be held:

AGU Fall Meeting 2020 – GGOS Session


In 2020 the AGU Fall Meeting was held as an virtual conference due to travel restrictions by Coronavirus. AGU2020 wasscheduled from 1-17 December to accommodate over a thousand hours of virtual content to minimize conflicts while maximizing global engagement. Scientific program content was available on-demand, with pre-recorded oral presentations and virtual posters available for attendees […]

Global Geodesy Forum – The Power of Where


The Value of Geodesy to Society Every day, humanity benefits from geodesy. Geodesy is the science of measuring the size, shape and orientation of our planet and it is a foundation for evidence-based policies, decisions and program delivery. Geodesy is used every day, in the fields of civil engineering, industrial automation, agriculture, construction, mining, financial […]

EGU General Assembly 2021 – GGOS Session

Virtual Conference CA

The EGU General Assembly 2021 (April 19, 2021 - April 30, 2021) will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas […]

GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR) Course


Kristine M. Larson gives a short course on GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR). It is a half-day and covers basic principles with an overview on the GNSS-IR software package she developed in python. This is followed by two practical sessions, one on snow depth and the other on measuring water (tides, lakes, rivers). The main part […]

Spatial Data: science, research and technology 2022

Moscow, Russia Moscow, Russian Federation

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) is holding a unique event in the field of geodesy and cartography in Moscow, Russia on May 23-25, 2022: Annual International Scientific Conference “Spatial Data: science, research and technology 2022”. We would kindly invite you to participate in the conference and the festive events prior to the […]


Athen, Greece Thessaloniki, Greece

The 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Athens, Greece will be held 16 – 24 July 2022.  Information on the scientific program and other relevant links are available at The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) website, for information on registration, accommodation and other matters, is open at