Calendar of Events

AGU Fall Meeting 2020 – GGOS Session
In 2020 the AGU Fall Meeting was held as an virtual conference due to travel restrictions by Coronavirus. AGU2020 wasscheduled from 1-17 December to accommodate over a thousand hours of virtual content to minimize conflicts while maximizing global engagement. Scientific program content was available on-demand, with pre-recorded oral presentations and virtual posters available for attendees to view and peruse outside of the scheduled live Q&A sessions during the meeting. You can find more info here …
GGOS Session:
G022 – The Global Geodetic Observing System: Resilient Infrastructure for Sustainable Scientific Activities I
The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) provides measurements of the time varying gravity, rotation, and shape of the Earth using geodetic and gravimetric instruments located on the ground and in space. These measurements need to be accurate to better than a part per billion in order to advance our understanding of the underlying processes that are causing the Earth’s rotation, gravity, and shape to change. Mass transport in the global water cycle, sea level and climate change, and crustal deformation associated with geohazards are examples of particularly demanding applications of geodetic and gravimetric measurements. All these measurements require a common reference with the same precision, like the Terrestrial Reference Frame and the Unified Height System. This session provides a platform for discussing diverse scientific targets of GGOS with large dynamic ranges in space and time and geodetic infrastructure to enable stable production of accurate data.
This year the GGOS Session was held online. All contributions (pre-recorded oral presentations and posters) were available for registered AGU participants over the whole time from 1-17 December. GGOS Session Infos & Schedule
Live Session (overview & Q&A)
During a live overview and Q&A sessions (by Zoom), presenting authors will give a brief introduction and overview of their pre-recorded presentation. (Session Date and Time: Wednesday, 16 December 2020; 05:30 – 06:30 PST). More than 27 people attended this live session.
View Pre-Recorded Presentations about GGOS CO & DOI Working Group