School on “The Determination and Use of the Geoid”
From November 13 to 17, 2023 will be held the 14th International School on “The Determination and Use of the Geoid”. The School will take place at the Instituto Geográfico Nacional, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The School will be held in…

2 new open Jobs at UN-GGCE
The UN has published the two new job positions to staff the United Nations Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. You can apply for following positions:
Administrative Assistant (apply until April 25)

Global Geodetic Center of Excellence – Opening Ceremony
The Secretariat of the UN-GGIM, in cooperation with the German Federal Government, hosted the opening ceremony of the United Nations Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence (UN-GGCE) on March 29 at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. About 100 people…

GGOS Portal Survey
To get an overview of the current availability of data products and their metadata, GGOS is conducting a survey within the geodetic and geoscience community. This survey will inquire the opinions of geodetic data users on data availability and visibility, as well as desired requirements for a comprehensive and user-friendly GGOS-Portal. Please participate in this survey. We need your support and your thoughts about our plans.

UN-GGCE Open Job Positions
The UN has started the recruitment process to staff the United Nations Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany.You can apply for the of the Head of GGCE and for Geospatial Information Officers.

IUGG General Assembly Abstract Submission – GGOS Session
Less than 6 months ahead the IUGG General Assembly will be held on 11-20 July 2023 in Berlin (Germany) and the abstract submission deadline on 21 February 2023 (it was extended!!) is getting closer. We invite you to submit an abstract, especially…