As the observing system of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) (see details in “Discover GGOS” film below) serves a unique and critically important combination of roles – centering upon advocacy, integration, and international relations. GGOS also promotes high-level outcomes, such as the realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame through a variety of internal and external channels.
GGOS focuses attention on how international geodesy needs to evolve in order to deliver an order of magnitude improvement in the quality of its fundamental products – this includes identifying the critical elements of global physical infrastructure, efficient data management, and combined measurement analysis. The IAG tasks GGOS to advocate for improvements in ground-based geodetic infrastructure as well as promoting the importance of modern geodesy for addressing the needs of science and society for stable spatial and temporal geodetic reference frames.
GGOS internally integrates the geometric and gravimetric aspects of geodesy – driving continuous improvement in the quality of geodetic products through increased cooperation between different geodetic techniques. GGOS also works with the IAG Services, Commissions, Inter-Commission Committees and Projects to address fundamental scientific issues facing the geodesy community.
Externally, GGOS advocates the visibility of geodetic contributions to Earth observation systems, and serves as a communication bridge between the scientific infrastructure of the IAG and an ever-growing user community who needs geodetic data and products. GGOS is also a strong supporter of the United Nations Global Geodetic Reference Frame, and in particular the UN GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy.
As GGOS reaches its 20th anniversary of service to the IAG and global geodesy community, we need your input to inform and guide the goals of the next GGOS Strategic Plan. Your contribution is highly appreciated. Please participate in this survey until September 30, 2022.
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Overarching Strategic Areas and Goals of GGOS
These strategic areas were presented in the current GGOS Strategic Plan from 2014: View this GGOS Strategic Plan
1. Geodetic Information and Expertise
Support the development and maintenance of organizational intangible assets, such as community engagement, capacity development, and education.
2. Global Geodetic Infrastructure
Development of, advocacy for, and maintenance of global geodetic infrastructure.
3. Services, Standardization, and Support
Promote coordination, support, and efficient utilization of the existing geodetic infrastructure, as well as existing IAG resources.
4. Communication, Education, and Outreach
Marketing, outreach, and engagement to sustain and grow the organizational impact of GGOS.
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Survey Form
Your contribution is highly appreciated. Please take 10-15 minutes to participate in this survey until September 30.
For more information, please see the Introduction and the current Strategic Areas and Goals of GGOS.
The GGOS Strategic Plan Survey is over. The results will be discussed at the Strategic Planning Workshop.