Calendar of Events

IAG Scientific Assembly 2021 – GGOS Symposium
The IAG Scientific Assembly will be held in Beijing on June 28–July 2, 2021. The Scientific Assembly is a quadrennial event, in the middle of the periods of the IAG General Assembly. To view all details, instructions of deadlines, schedule, programme, abstract submission and registration of this conference, please visit the official website:
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Assembly was organized as a totally virtual meeting. The Assembly papers will be published in the renowned peer-reviewed book series, International Association of Geodesy Symposia. All papers will be open access, and publishing will free of charge. There will be eight Symposia, with topics covering the activities of IAG Commissions, Services, Inter-Commission Committees and a timely topic on Geohazards.
GGOS Symposium
GGOS organized the Symposium 5 with the title Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS): the metrological basis for the monitoring of the System Earth. All together 6 sessions will be held in this GGOS Symposium (detailed descriptions).
- 5.1: Geodetic infrastructure for Earth System Monitoring
- 5.2: Gravity observations and networks in the framework of GGOS (Joint with: 2a.1 2b.6 QuGe)
- 5.3: Standardized geodetic products for a reliable System Earth observation
- 5.4: Geodetic space weather research
- 5.5: Assimilation of geodetic observations in the modelling of the Atmosphere, Cryosphere and Hydrosphere
- 5.6: Geodesy contributions to address societal challenges (Joint with: 6.1)
If you are interested to contribute to this GGOS Symposium in any of theses Sessions, please submit an abstract until April 30, 2021.
More details about the IAG Scientific Assembly Symosiums…