Calendar of Events
1st Workshop on Data Science for GNSS Remote Sensing
There has been recently a rapid progress in Earth observation using GNSS signals from numerous ground and satellite based platforms as well as modern data scientific approaches for their analysis, including machine learning and data assimilation techniques. We believe it is the right time to gather scientists interested in interdisciplinary activities linking these two research areas to foster a creative and intense scientific exchange and collaborations. Our ultimate goal is the provision of advanced and versatile GNSS Remote Sensing data products on different spatio-temporal scales for Earth System science and related operational applications to advance early warning systems and numerical weather forecasts.
This meeting will be hosted by the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ and will take place on the historic “Telegrafenberg” in Potsdam on June, 13-15, 2022. At the moment, it is planned as a face-to-face meeting. However, the organizers carefully observe the pandemic situation and will adapt the meeting format accordingly.
Please feel free to visit the workshop website