GGOS Newsletter – New Design

The GGOS newsletter launched along with the redesigned GGOS website in December 2019 and we now have a total of 55 people (January 2022) subscribed to receive news from GGOS. Previously, when a new post was published on the GGOS blog, a new newsletter was sent to all subscribers. But this and the design of the GGOS newsletter will now change.

The new GGOS newsletter will be sent out at the beginning of each month (starting in February 2022) and contains the full content of the last NEWS article as well as a summary of two other articles. In addition, the next GGOS EVENTS and other events can be found in the lower section.  Furthermore the design of the new GGOS newsletter has been improved and modernized.

The GGOS Coordination Office has set up the GGOS Newsletter and is responsible for its content. If you would like to see your content related to GGOS, the IAG and geodesy in general or you have further ideas, please contact us.

If you have not yet subscribed for the GGOS Newsletter, you can do this here …